Essential Companion Tickets
We understand that some guests will not be able to access Blackgang Chine without the assistance of an Essential Companion.
We are pleased to be able to offer an Essential Companion ticket for those guests who require additional assistance to enjoy all that Blackgang Chine has to offer.
Blackgang Chine partners with Nimbus Disability, operators of the Access Card scheme, to assess and manage applications for our Essential Companion tickets. Nimbus Disability is one of the country’s leading providers of disability-related advice and support to professional organisations and is recognised as a lead authority on accessible ticketing in the UK. They are an award-winning organisation run by disabled people who specialise in the legislation behind The Equality Act.
What is an Essential Companion Ticket?
- An Essential Companion ticket allows an additional person to enter the park with a paying guest to assist with their visit free of charge.
- If eligible, two additional people can accompany the paying guest with the appropriate Access Card +2 symbol.
Who is eligible for an Essential Companion Ticket?
- An Essential Companion ticket is available for people where support is needed that is significant and substantial and in excess of what could be reasonably expected of family/friends already accompanying the guest. The support must be due to disability-related needs. Our Essential Companion Scheme is not available to complimentary ticket holders or when zero value entry is applicable for the Access Card holder.
- In order to obtain an essential companion ticket you must apply through our partners at Nimbus, who complete all assessments. Each individual application is reviewed privately and independently.
Apply for an Access Card
- Please use the application form using the button below to register for an Essential Companion ticket. Our partners at Nimbus Disability will review your application. Once you have received your card details, if the +1 or +2 symbol is assigned, you can then use your registration/card number on the day of your visit to obtain your Essential Companion ticket.
- Applications can take 4-5 days to be processed.
- You will have the choice to register your needs exclusively to Blackgang Chine at no cost, or to upgrade to an Access Card for £15 for 3 years and have your card recognised at over 2,000 venues throughout the UK and beyond.
Statement on safety for disabled guests
Blackgang Chine is dedicated to ensuring visitors with specific needs are able to enjoy the park and will do all that is practical to ensure a safe and pleasurable stay. However, certain rides and attractions in our parks can be physically demanding and vigorous. We therefore reserve the right to refuse admission to certain rides and attractions should we feel there is a danger to a particular individual or individuals for whatever reason.
We have been advised by the Health & Safety Executive that refusal on the grounds of health and safety does not constitute discrimination. We hope that you understand and accept the decisions made in the interest of your safety.

Evening Events
Evening events at Blackgang Chine may contain a variety of lighting effects, including ‘moving head lights’, various flashing lights, projections, and some limited use of lasers and strobe lighting. Visitors with photosensitive epilepsy or other conditions which could be triggered by light should consider this information carefully before making their visit.
It goes without saying that the Illuminations extend into the hours of darkness. Whilst there is always adequate lighting to navigate all paths, attractions and features that are open for the event the reduced lighting levels inevitably mean that in places changes in surface and terrain will be harder to identify – particularly for those with sight impairments.
Wheelchair and electric mobility scooter users
The park is set on top of 400ft high cliffs overlooking the English Channel. The paths around the park are undulating with some paths as steep as 1:5 gradient.
Visitors in manual wheelchairs who wish to visit all areas of the park should be accompanied by strong helpers. Those using electric mobility scooters must ensure they are confident in using the equipment and do not exceed its capabilities. Particular attention should be pair to the paths leading to and from Area 5, Giant Bug Walk and Cowboy Town where gradients are likely to be at their steepest.
Unfortunately, we do not hire out wheelchairs or mobility scooters, so please make adequate provisions before you visit.
The majority of the park’s attractions are outdoors. Due to the unpredictable nature of the British weather, paths may be wet and conditions could be windy. Visitors should ensure they are dressed appropriately including suitable footwear, and any mobility aids used should be fit for purpose.
Purchasing Tickets and Arrival
- The Access Card holder must purchase an individual ticket online in advance. The Essential Companion ticket will be allocated on the day if valid from any ticket kiosk before entering the Park.
- An Essential Companion ticket allows an additional person to enter the park with a paying guest to assist with their visit free of charge. Both people must enter Blackgang Chine together, and the named person on the Access Card must be present. Please present either your Access Card or your unique code.
- Our Essential Companion Scheme is not available to complimentary ticket holders or when zero value entry is applicable for the Access Card holder.
The Role of an Essential Companion
- By accepting the Essential Companion ticket your companion accepts responsibility for providing you with the support you need to attend the park. This includes being able to provide you with additional assistance during the course of an emergency evacuation. Blackgang Chine staff are unable to provide assistance in excess of their typical role and general reasonable adjustments, so it is important that, if you need help moving around, your companion is ready, willing and able to support you with this.
Young Carers
- It is the policy of Blackgang Chine that all children under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible person aged 16 or over at all times. We accept that young carers are a much valued and needed source of support, but we are only able to accept them under the free Essential Companion ticket scheme where there is no risk of them being left unattended.
- If we feel that either the disabled customer or their companions are abusing the Essential Companion system, we reserve the right to refuse access under the Essential Companion scheme for future visits.
Should you as a guest have any temporary accessibility requirements, or would like to discuss our park accessibility, please contact our team at [email protected] in advance of your visit so we may assist you. Please give us 48 hours to respond.